Terms and Conditions /

Terms and Conditions of Business

These Terms and Conditions of Business apply to all agreed marketing campaigns, contracts for the development and maintenance of websites, as well as contracts for social media management and administration. If the contract specifies different conditions, they take precedence. These terms apply to digital services provided by DIGITAL AD ASTRA LTD from the date of contract signing or offer confirmation.

01. Offers and Authorizations

These Terms and Conditions of Business apply to all agreed marketing campaigns, contracts for the development and maintenance of websites, and contracts for social media management and administration. If the contract specifies different conditions, they take precedence. These terms apply to digital services provided by DIGITAL AD ASTRA LTD from the date of contract signing or offer confirmation.

02. Campaign Start and Approval

Campaigns via digital channels may be subject to third-party approval, such as Google or Facebook. The agency cannot guarantee the speed of approval, which may take up to 48 hours, and for campaigns starting on Friday, approval may be extended to the next business day. The agency commits to timely informing the Client about the campaign status.

03. Website Development Start and Deadlines

Website development begins after the offer is confirmed, and the required materials are provided by the Client. Any objections to the website’s appearance or functionality must be submitted in writing to the agency’s official email address.rper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

04. Pricing and Payment Methods

The price of the campaign or website development is defined in the offer accepted by the Client. All prices include VAT unless otherwise agreed. Payment is made per invoice before the start of the campaign, unless otherwise agreed. The payment term for invoices is 7 days, and in case of delays, statutory interest will be charged.

05. Price Changes

The agency reserves the right to change prices in the event of market changes, with timely notification to Clients. If prices change during the contracted period, the new prices apply, except in cases of advance payments.

06. Campaign and Contract Cancellation

The Client may cancel the campaign by providing written notice to the agency. The agency reserves the right to retain any unused budget for future campaigns, subject to agreement with the Client. Termination of the contract is carried out under the conditions defined in the individual contract.

07. Graphic Design and Material Preparation

The Client is required to provide all materials for the campaign no later than seven days before the start. The agency commits to delivering design proposals no later than three business days after receiving the materials. Additional work on visuals is charged according to the current price list.

08. Technical Requirements for Campaigns

The Client is required to enable all technical prerequisites for campaigns, including access to social media accounts, implementation of remarketing codes, Google Analytics, and other technical elements. The agency cannot guarantee campaign results if these prerequisites are not met.

09. Technical Requirements for Website Development

If the website is not hosted on DIGITAL AD ASTRA LTD. servers, the Client is obliged to provide access credentials for hosting and administrative access to the web platform.

10. Campaign Reporting

The agency will deliver the final campaign performance report three business days after its conclusion. The Client has the right to request interim reports during the campaign’s duration.

11. Complaints

All complaints and grievances must be submitted in writing to the agency’s official email address, accompanied by evidence such as screenshots. The agency will respond as quickly as possible to correct errors or provide further clarification.

12. Jurisdiction

In case of a dispute, the court in London, United Kingdom, has jurisdiction. The Client agrees to attempt to resolve the dispute amicably before filing a lawsuit.

13. Effective Date

These Terms and Conditions of Business come into effect on the day of the contract signing or the acceptance of the offer in writing.

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